Works in Public Collections

Selected works of Mauricio Lasansky can be found in the following permanent collections around the world.

In Argentina:

  • Museo de Mendoza

  • Museo Municipal, Buenos Aires

  • Museo Municipal, Rio Cuarto

  • Museo Municipal de Cordoba, Cordoba

  • Museo Municipal Rosario, Sante Fe

  • Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Buenos Aires

  • Museo Provincal de Cordoba, Cordoba

  • Museo Provincal, La Plata, Buenos Aires

In Australia:

  • Victoria Museum, Melbourne

In Germany:

  • American Embassy

In Italy:

  • Uffizi Gallery, Florence

In Mexico:

  • American Embassy

In Spain:

  • Museo de Arte Contemporaneo, Madrid

  • Museo de Arte Moderno, Barcelona

In the United States:

  • Albion College, Albion, Michigan

  • American Life and Casualty Insurance Company, Fargo, North Dakota

  • American Republic Insurance Collection

  • American Trust & Savings, Dubuque, Iowa

  • Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois

  • Art Institute of Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California

  • Art Museum of the New Britain Institute, New Britain, Connecticut

  • Ashland Oil Corporation, Ashland, Kentucky

  • Blanden Art Gallery, Fort Dodge, Iowa

  • Bloomington-Normal Art Association, Bloomington, Illinois

  • Bradley University, Peoria, Illinois

  • Brooklyn Museum, Brooklyn, New York

  • Bucknell University, Lewisburg, Pennsylvania

  • Carleton College, Northfield, Minnesota

  • Cedar Rapids Art Association, Cedar Rapids, Iowa

  • Cincinnati Art Museum, Cincinnati, Ohio

  • City Art Museum, St. Louis, Missouri

  • Cleveland Museum, Cleveland, Ohio

  • Colorado Springs Fine Art Center, Colorado Springs, Colorado

  • Davenport Museum, Davenport, Iowa

  • DePauw University, Greencastle, Indiana

  • Des Moines Art Center, Des Moines, Iowa

  • Detroit Institute of the Arts, Detroit, Michigan

  • Doane College, Crete, Nebraska

  • Dubuque Senior High School, Dubuque, Iowa

  • First National Bank, Iowa City, Iowa

  • First National Bank Collection, Tacoma, Washington

  • Flint Institute, Flint, Michigan

  • Honolulu Academy of Arts, Honolulu, Hawaii

  • Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia

  • Gettysburg College, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

  • Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana

  • International Business Machines Corporation, New York, New York

  • Iowa State Bank & Trust, Fairfield, Iowa

  • Iowa State Bank & Trust, Iowa City, Iowa

  • Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa

  • Iowa Wesleyan College, Mount Pleasant, Iowa

  • Joslyn Art Museum, Omaha, Nebraska

  • Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

  • Lindenwood Colleges, St. Charles, Missouri

  • Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana

  • Luther College, Decorah, Iowa

  • Merchants National Bank, Cedar Rapids, Iowa

  • Mint Museum, Charlotte, North Carolina

  • Muscatine Museum, Muscatine, Iowa

  • Museum of Modern Art, New York, New York

  • National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.

  • New Jersey State Museum, Trenton, New Jersey

  • New York Public Library, New York, New York

  • Oakland Municipal Art Museum, Oakland, California

  • Ohio University, Athens, Ohio

  • Oklahoma Museum, Tulsa, Oklahoma

  • Pacific Lutheran University Collection, Tacoma, Washington

  • Pasadena Art Museum, Pasadena, California

  • Pennsylvania Academy of The Fine Arts, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

  • Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

  • Portland Art Museum, Portland, Oregon

  • R. M. Light and Company, Boston, Massachusetts

  • Rosenwald Collection, Jenkintown, Pennsylvania

  • Sal Lake City Public Library, Salt Lake City, Utah

  • San Francisco Art Association, San Francisco, California

  • Seattle Museum, Seattle, Washington

  • Shenandoah Public Library, Shenandoah, Iowa

  • Silvermine Guild of Artists, New Canaan, Connecticut

  • Sioux City Art Museum, Sioux City, Iowa

  • Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Illinois

  • Southwest Missouri State College, Springfield, Missouri

  • Springfield Art Museum, Springfield, Missouri

  • Starr King School for the Ministry, Berkeley, California

  • Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York

  • Tacoma Art Museum, Tacoma, Washington

  • Time Magazine, New York, New York

  • Topeka University, Topeka, Kansas

  • United States Information Agency for Exhibition in the Far East

  • University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware

  • University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia

  • University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois

  • University of Iowa Museum of Art, Iowa City, Iowa

  • University of Main Art Collection, Orono, Maine

  • University of Michigan Museum of Art, Ann Arbor, Michigan

  • University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota

  • University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska

  • University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, Iowa

  • University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah

  • University of Washington, Seattle, Washington

  • Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota

  • Washington State University, Pullman, Washington

  • Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri

  • Waterloo Municipal Galleries, Waterloo, Iowa

  • Wesleyan University, Davison Art Center, Middletown, Connecticut

  • Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, New York

  • William Rockhill Nelson Gallery of Art, Kansas City, Missouri

  • Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut